Tuesday, August 7, 2012


As it turns out we missed the saint relics in the Peterskirche. Today we decided to go back to the church and look at these saints. We were on a saint relics hunt today, however the Schatzkammer was closed so we'll have to come back later for the relics stored there. Peterskirche only has two relics, which as you'll see below are very well preserved. The bodies are preserved because they are mummified. We were impressed and disturbed upon seeing them. Both saints are fully dressed in the fashion of their times, both are covered in gems and other precious stones. There are rings on the fingers of both of them as well.

If you look closely, at the face, you can see eyes. Now, I'm almost certain that the eyes were taken out and instead they put in some sort of gem. Because otherwise, the eyes would discompose. However, I do not know if that was the case.                                              

This guy was a martyr in the Roman catacombs. There are two martyrs in the Peterskirche; they were brought in, in 1733 and are dressed in the style of the time.

This is the second martyr, slightly less  visible due to the glare on the glass and a bouquet of flowers. This man was also a martyr at the Roman catacombs.
I have been to the Vatican, where they also have preserved saints relics. However, I do not remember if they were this well preserved. The ones at Peterskirche strike me with how clearly you can see their faces. They almost look alive, and that was what disturbed me and Adri the most.

German word of the day: in Betracht ziehen
This means: to consider

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